
Showing posts with the label author

Writer's Block!!!

It has been ages since I last posted to this blog. I have been busy, but not as busy as to not be able to write even a simple piece. So what was the hold up then? Its what a lot of people call a “Writer’s Block“. In my case, these blocks don’t really stop my mind from creating, they just stop me from putting my thoughts into writing. Rather inconvenient, you know. I have been toying with a few ideas, but they were really good ideas. Things that could be put into a novel. I wouldn’t waste such gold on a free blog site, would I? And I mean no offence to whatever little readership this blog commands. The fact still remains that I wanna be published. I want to see my name on the cover page of a novel. And I have wanted this ever since the age of 14. I wished to be a teen sensation with a couple of bestsellers to my name before I hit college, but that didn’t happen. And it wasn’t because I couldn’t write. I could and I did. But there was always something that stopped...