The Poetry of Sex: "First Time"

How fast and superficial this world has become! It took me 10 years to finally appreciate that moment, the beauty and the wonder of it - my first time. I have often thought about the day. I have even written about it but I never stopped for a moment to take it all in, to feel the intensity of it all. After all, it was my first time. My first time experiencing an act that I was biologically programmed for, an act that is as beautiful and enigmatic, irrespective of how you look at it. Look at it from the eyes of a lover and its passion. Observe it as a scientist and you see evolution. But for a couple of 15-year-olds, it was sheer adventure, something new something they yearned for. When people talk about sex, they make the mistake of thinking about it just as a deed. The adjective describing this deed in their opinion is decided by various factors like their upbringing, their cultural ideas about sex. But for a man and a woman wrapped in each other arms, sex is more than a d...