Of Living Away from Family...
My views and ideas about the american culture are mostly derived from the movies & television shows that I watch. Hence, I might be mistaken. But it feels like a majority of foreigners (americans, englishmen, etc) prefer to get employed in their hometowns, unless of course, if they are enlisted. The scenario here in India is different. As an Indian, you will find yourself moving away from your family and hometown at a certain age. Usually it is to pursue higher education, which is fine. But then, you get a job, and almost all the time, your job keeps you away from your family. As youngsters in a capitalist, ambition-oriented society, we don’t mind this in the beginning. New job, incentives and perks, we are happy to make our lives all about that. Until that longing, the one that is the epicentre of the family unit, sets in. You start missing the people you grew up with and your home. Again, I’d have to draw your attention to another difference between our culture a...