The Voice in My Head...

When I woke up in the morning, I was ‘feeling low’. I didn’t feel like going to work. I couldn’t get out of bed as much as I tried. So, I texted my boss that I wasn’t well and I couldn’t come in. He didn’t read the text right away and every passing moment scared me some more. I dropped a few more texts in my team Whatsapp group asking for certain reports and stuff, things I do every day. And then kept staring at the phone waiting for that text from my boss. After a while, his screen indicated that he was typing. I started panicking. What if he asks me to give more details about what was wrong with me? I was bad at lying, I had always been bad at lying. The phone pinged and he’d sent an “ok”. I breathed a sigh of relief and collapsed back on my bed. An hour later, I woke up from a bad dream. That’s when I got a call from one of my stressors. “Stressors” are people/things that invoke anxiety in me. A term I learned from my psychiatrist back in 2015. I suffer from an anxiety disord...