Generation Gap_My Grandparents!!!

Like I have mentioned earlier, I am an orphan and was raised by my grandparents. Sounds sweet to a lot of you out there, doesn't it? Indulgent grandparents is the usual image that pops into people’s minds.

But its a little different in real life.

You see when you are orphaned and come to live with your grandparents, they assume the role of parents and for all intents and purposes, they become your parents. And thats where the problem starts.

Being raised by people who are 57 years older than you are poses challenges that you normal kids out there will not understand. And add to that the fact that I was born to a generation that saw the Technological Revolution happening, and you’ve got mayhem!

The generation gap wouldn't have been such a pain had it not been for the Technology Gap. I mean I was a quiet kid, I was never really a rebel. But my grandparents’ aversion to new technology kept getting on my nerves.

You see, a lot of my father’s peers have actually adopted new tech like cell phones, touch screens and laptops. But my grandparents, they poke at it like villagers poking at the witch!

Thankfully, I grew up pretty fast and got on my feet soon. But all in all, I love my family. And a lot of the times, it was fun to see them bungling with new stuff, even little ones like a remote control.


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