
Showing posts with the label Valentines

LOVE is All You Need!!!

The Valentine's Day kinda seemed like the best time to publish this post. Coz I am gonna talk about "love". Not the Archie's/Hallmark version but the real one. You know, the love that keeps people together for life. I have talked about it earlier and to some loyal readers, I might have seemed like a sceptic on this matter. And that I definitely am. But my cynicism is not specifically aimed at the virtue of love but towards the way people express it these days. And again, here I have to set you straight. I have absolutely nothing against the exchange of roses or chocolates. Anyone who knows me knows that I adore chocolates. I just feel that amidst all these Valentine rituals, the "love" aspect gets misplaced at times. Yet again, I am not saying that things were better before the "Western Culture" affected India. Coz really, they were not. Our views and ideas about love were strangely idiotic in the last century and for most part of the c...