
Showing posts with the label index

Quick Link to All My Story Series & Selected Articles

Hi guys, it was recently pointed out to me that a lot of the chain stories that are present in my blog have not been marked that they belong to a particular series. This makes navigating through them difficult. SO let me try to solve that by including a short summary of each group of stories/articles and provide the links here. I will pin this post at the top so that you can go read the stories in the sequence you want to. 1. Eric & Angela : This is a love story for people who do not particularly believe in love. Here are the links: Part 1 - Perpendicular Expression of a Horizontal Desire Part 2 - Cupcake! Part 3 - That Awkward Third Date! Part 4 - Those Melting Moments!!! Part 5 - Testing the Mettle of Love! (This is an incomplete series & more stories will be posted soon.) 2. Ishika & Siddhant : A story of intense romanti c entanglement that is mostly one-sided. "Mostly" is the operative word here. Here are the links: Part 1 - Instant Connecti...