
Showing posts with the label Cruel

The Mother I Know Of...

Here's a little poem I wrote way back when I was in middle school. I know posting in on Mother's Day is kind of anti-climactic, but there is darker side of motherhood and I wish everyone knew it. Mothers are little nice things Always associated with love. The mother I know of Is pretty different. The mother I know ( Forgive me O Divinity) Would rattle your senses And challenge your sanity. The mother who left her child To die, at a tender age of three. What sorrows, what grievances She had, I know not yet. The mother I know Made the little soul cry; What stuff was she made of? So cruel and so dry. The little child, motherless left Never blamed her for that; Yet the sorrow could not subside Nor could it run, neither hide. But how can these wounds Be ever healed? What medicine, what miracle Can substitute for a mother's love? This mother I tell you, Would never know How it is to be A motherless child. When lyrical lilt of love And meand...

Cruelty is a Human Concept

Have you ever wondered how no creatures in nature, save humans, are capable of cruelty? The most violent animals in nature hunt and kill for food, they don’t do it out of cruelty. Humans are the only species that hunts for “game”, “fun”, “recreation”. And the cruelty isn’t restricted to hunting and poaching only. People in general are cruel and mean, something you don’t see in the animal kingdom. Take the example of those guys who threw a stray dog off the roof. Or the woman who buried a dog’s litter alive. And I’m yet to mention the cruelty that man imparts on other fellow humans, be it in the name of war, religion or politics. Take the lynching incidents that are so rampant in the recent years or the riots and bombings of the past years. Human beings and their affinity for cruelty never stops astounding me. And then there’s the cruelty and torture at personal level which often goes unnoticed due to its intimate nature. Between the ages of six to nine, I was undergoing syst...